Articles on: Menu Management

Menu management - Menu

Table of Contents

Managing your Menu in Dashboard
Managing your Menu in POS

Managing your Menu in Dashboard

Step 1: To manage your Menu on your dashboard, from your dashboard home screen navigate to the left side navigate to the left side menu bar, and tap on Menu Management.

Step 2: From your Menu Management Page tap on Menu.

Step 3: On this page you have the options to:

3a. Add a new menu
3b. Enable or disable menu
3c. Export, Edit, and Archive the menu.

Step 4: When editing an existing Menu, hover over to the date created column, and tap on edit.

Step 5: On the Edit screen you have the option to update the following:

5a. Menu Name - Set a name for the menu.
5b. Active - Select yes to keep the menu active or no to inactive it.
5c. Parent Category - Select the parent category for the menu to display
5d. Applicable to menu - Select the platforms you want your menu to display

Step 6: After filling out the needed information you can then set out the Menu Availability to the selected applicable menu. You can set the following:

6a. Menu Date Range - Select the date range in your menu that can be available.
6b. Schedule days - Select the days the menu is available.
6c. Schedule time - Select the time the menu can be available.
6d. Next day availability - Enable the next option for the menu to take in orders.
6e. Copy - copy the preferred settings to the preferred days.

Note: After you've made the changes, the system will save them for you automatically.

Managing your Menu in POS

Step 1: To manage your menu on POS, on your Order screen tap (a) or slide down (b) the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Tap on Menu.

Step 3: On the Menu Management Page you have the options to:

3a. Add a menu
3b. Enable or disable a menu
3c. Archive a menu

Step 4: To edit a menu, simply tap on the preferred menu.

Step 5: On the Edit Menu Page you have the options to edit the following:

5a. Menu Name - Update the name of the menu.
5b. Keep Menu Active on the preferred Platforms - Toggle on and off the menu.
5c. Date Range - Set the date range the menu can be available.
5d. Days Available - Set the days the menu is available.
5e. Time Available - Set the time the menu is available.
5f. Next day - Enable or disable the option to receive orders until the next day.
5g. Copy - Copy the settings to the other days.

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Updated on: 02/19/2025

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