Articles on: Point-of-Sale

Point of Sale - Control Center


Welcome to our guide on accessing and managing location settings through the Point of Sale (POS) system. This article will walk you through the steps to effortlessly access your location settings and enable internal POS features for a seamless operational experience.

Make the most out of your location settings with our intuitive Point-of-Sale interface. Customize and activate the features that are most relevant to your needs, and unlock the full potential of your location settings.

Table of Content

Step by Step Guide
Internal POS Feature
Hardware Control
App Restart

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: From your new order screen tap the drop-down arrow (1a) or slide the setting bar down (1b):

New Order Screen

Step 2: Tap on Restaurant


Step 3: On the left hand navbar tap on Control Center

In the Control Center, you will find three main options:

Internal POS Feature: Customize various internal point-of-sale (POS) features to enhance your app’s functionality.

Hardware Control: Manage and configure hardware-related settings for optimal performance.

App Restart: Set Time to Restart App: Enable this feature to allow the app to automatically restart two hours after your end-of-day time for better maintenance.

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Internal POS Feature

Step 4: Select "Internal POS Feature" and configure settings:

PIN Settings:

Require Manager PIN to Open Register: Ensure only managers can open the register by enabling this option.
Summary Print on Clock-Out: Get a summary print when clocking out.
Lock App after 5 Attempts: Automatically lock the app after 5 failed login attempts.
Force Check: Require employees to perform checks.
Force Clock In: Require employees to clock in before accessing certain features.
Hide Break on PIN Screen: Conceal the break option on the PIN screen.
Hide Employee Feedback: Disable the employee feedback feature.

CFD Settings:

Close Ticket Automatically if Not Connected to CFD: Enable this to automatically close tickets when not connected to a CFD.
Internal CFD: Activate the internal CFD feature.

Menu Settings:

Menu Sorting: Manage menu item sorting via drag and drop.
Modifier Toggle: Set the standard for menu modifiers.

Order Settings:

Hide Fire Button: Conceal the fire button in the order interface.
Mandatory Order Type: Force the selection of an order type.
Require Name in Order Type Selection: Necessitate entering a name when selecting order types.
Save Button to Order Placement: Add a save button to the order placement process.
Delivery: Activate delivery options.

Payment Settings:

Split Check: Enable the ability to split checks between multiple customers.

OrderOS Settings:

Enable Merchant: Activate merchant-related settings.

Table Management Settings:

Hide Seat Selector: Conceal the seat selector tool.

KDS Settings:

Show POS to KDS Switch: Display the option to switch from POS to KDS.

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Hardware Control

Step 5: Adjust the "Hardware Control Settings":

Card Settings

Card Reader Beep: Enable or disable the beep sound on the card reader.
Request Tip from Card Reader: Activate this option to prompt tip requests directly from the card reader.

KDS Setting:

KDS Notification: Turn on this setting to receive notifications from the Kitchen Display System (KDS).

QR Setting:

Enable QR Bill/Receipt: Toggle this feature to allow customers to receive bills or receipts via QR codes.
Enable QR Payment on CFD: Activate this option to accept QR code payments through the Customer-Facing Display (CFD).

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App Restart

Step 6: Enable Automatic Restart
a. Turn on the toggle switch to activate the automatic restart feature
b. Once the automatic restart feature is enabled, you will see an option to Choose Time

c. Tap on Choose Time to set your preferred time for the app to restart. Use the picket to select the desired restart time (e.g., 1:00 AM)

Note: After choosing the time, ensure that the selected time is displayed correctly. The app will now be configured to restart automatically at the specified time. For your convenience, the app will automatically restart two hours after your set end-of-day time.

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Updated on: 07/24/2024

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