Point of Sale - New order Screen
Discover the new and improved version of the order screen! Experience updated navigation for a smoother ordering process.
Streamline your customer's checkout process with our new order screen on the point of sale. Enjoy the convenience of an easy and intuitive interface that makes transactions faster and smoother.
Upon entering the eatOS Point of Sale menu screen, you will notice some distinct changes to the user experience. To help guide you through the exciting changes, please view our application updates reference guide below.
Note: Each section will have visual and additional helpful information shared to provide you with the easiest transition experience as possible.
Table of content:
Left Hand Nav Bar
Top Central Nav Bar
3 Dot Ellipsis Menu
New check preview
Left Hand Nav Bar
a. The Restaurant Logo icon on top allows the user to expand and collapse the Navbar for visual preference when tapped
b. The New Order, Table Management, and Tickets (along with OrderOS when enabled) tabs follow below the logo
c. A new Reports tab below the tickets tab, allows users with access to swiftly access the gross details sales report when need be.
d. The bottommost eatOS icon, redirects users to our online help desk to receive quick assistance for any support needs.

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Top Central Nav Bar
a. The "Switch User" function lets you change the user account you're currently using.
b. The User Profile displays the current user status and login information
c. The central indent arrow in the Point of Sale Settings allows you to access all settings easily. Tap or swipe down on the arrow box to open the settings menu.
d. Clock: Display the current time
e. Refresh: Update the screen content.
f. The WiFi Icon: Shows the network connection status
g. The Support icon allows users to access chat support directly within the app.
Note: Support confirmation PIN is required to validate the chat with the live support agent.
h. Notification Bell: Alerts for messages or updates
Note: To view the settings screen please see the second image referenced below as settings view

Note: The new settings view also contains the relocated Logout button to prevent accidental logout from the User Pin Panel

f. Support icon, giving users the option to receive chat support directly from the app
Note: Support confirmation PIN is required to validate the chat with the live support agent
g. Live Chat Support

h. Notifications Bell icon, provides you with a notification tool for insightful release note updates

i. Order Preview Tools icon updates for:
Check Transfer
No Tax
Cancel check
No sale

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3 Dot Ellipsis Menu
a. Custom item - Allows the User to switch view to add a custom item with a custom price as necessary.
b. Gift Card - Allows the user to activate and check balances on gift cards.
c. Service Charge - Allows the user to apply a service charge to a check.
d. ADD Guest - Allows users to add a guest to their guestbook.
e. New Features coming soon.

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New check preview
a. Order type selection - allows the user to select the preferred order type during checkout.
b. Order numbers are now visible within the check preview in the top left corner.
c. Table Number is now visible in the middle between the two when using table management.
d. Server Name is now visible within the check preview in the top right corner.
e. New color tones for fire and charge

f. New color tones for product customization details
Black - Variant
Blue- Modifiers
Orange - Add-ons
Red - Removed default ingredients
Yellow - Allergies
Grey - Custom Notes

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Learn more about Taking an order on your point of sale Here
Updated on: 01/30/2025
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