Point of Sale - Menu Management - Add-Ons
If you want to start adding and editing Add-Ons from your Point-of-Sale device, then this article is a great way to understand how. We have outlined the steps for you below, so let's get started!
Create and edit delicious add-ons with ease. Unleash your creativity and let your ideas come to life. Start exploring the possibilities today and discover the exciting world of add-ons.
Table of content:
How to create a new Add-On
How to Edit and Delete Add-ons
How to create a new Add-On
Step 1: From your new order screen tap the drop-down arrow (1a) or slide the setting bar down (1b):
Step 2: Tap on Menu Management
Step 3: In the "Menu Management" section, select "Add-Ons" to be directed to the add-ons page.
Step 4: Tap the + Add button to add a new add-on
Step 5: Enter the required information:
Order Type Applicable
a. Order type tag: Click on the "Choose" button next to "Order Type Tag" to select the applicable order type from a dropdown menu. This allows you to specify which order types of the add-on will be available for.
b. Name: In the "Name" field under Add-Ons Information, type the name of the add-on you want to create.
c. Does this Add-On have options?: If the add-on includes multiple options (such as different flavors or sizes), toggle the switch labeled "Does this Add-Ons have options?" to the ON position.
- Click on "Add Option" to create a new option.
Enter the name of the option in the "Name" field.
Specify the price for the option in the "Price" field.
d. 86 this product: Temporarily remove a product because it’s out of stock or no longer available.
e. Maximum Number of Selections: Specify the maximum number of selections a customer can make for this add-on by entering a number in the "Maximum Number of Selections" field.
- Use the plus and minus buttons to adjust this number as required.
Details will be saved automatically once completed.
How to Edit and Delete Add-ons
From Menu Management, tap on the add-on and proceed by selecting a category from the list available
Edit Add-On - Begin to edit and make changes to the Add-on.
Note: Changes made to a category will be saved automatically
To archive a category, then tap the archive button to delete. The category will be moved to the archive.
Point of Sale Illustration
The following illustration shows how add-ons position into your point-of-sale after configuring your POS menu add-ons settings.
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Updated on: 10/18/2024
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