Articles on: Menu Management

eatOS Dashboard: Ingredient Management


eatOS Dashboard: Ingredient Management Guide

The eatOS Dashboard boasts a powerful Ingredient Management feature that enables businesses to seamlessly oversee ingredient creation, updates, and removals. This comprehensive guide offers a step-by-step walkthrough, ensuring accurate inventory management and precise recipe control.

Table of Contents

How to Add or Create a New Ingredient
How to archive ingredients

How to Add or Create a New Ingredient

Adding a New Ingredient:

Step 1: To initiate the process, navigate to the menu management section and click on "Ingredients."

Step 2: Select "+ New Ingredient" to begin crafting a new ingredient.

Step 3: Input the required information:
3a. Provide the ingredient's name (e.g., Bacon, Lettuce, Carrots).
3b. Choose the appropriate ingredient type.
3c. Click "Save" to store the newly added ingredient.

How to Edit Ingredients

Editing an Ingredient

Step 1: Locate the ingredient you wish to modify.
Step 2: Hover to the "Date Created" column.
Step 3: Choose "Edit" from the available options.
Step 4: Update the necessary details as required.

How to archive ingredients

Step 1: Select the ingredient you want to archive.
Step 2: Hover to the "Date Created" column
Step 3: Opt for "Archive" from the menu.

Step 4: Confirm the action by selecting "Yes, archive it!" Alternatively, you can choose to "Cancel" and retain the item.

Illustration: Ingredient Positioning in Point-of-Sale (POS) Menu:

For a visual representation, refer to the accompanying illustration that demonstrates the precise placement of ingredients within your point-of-sale (POS) system. This illustration showcases the configuration achieved through successful menu ingredient settings.


Leverage the power of eatOS Dashboard's Ingredient Management to efficiently control your ingredients. By adhering to these outlined steps, you'll confidently manage ingredient additions, edits, and archives, thus elevating your inventory management and recipe accuracy. Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance, our dedicated helpdesk remains at your disposal. Discover enhanced business operations through the capabilities of the eatOS Dashboard.

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Updated on: 05/22/2024

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