How to Edit Menu Product Prices
Managing and updating menu product prices is a crucial aspect of running a successful restaurant business. In this guide, we'll explore the step-by-step process of editing product prices using the eatOS platform. Whether you're adjusting prices due to market changes or running a promotion, mastering this skill ensures that your menu reflects accurate and up-to-date information for both your staff and customers. Let's dive into the easy and efficient ways to modify product prices on eatOS and keep your restaurant operations running smoothly.
Table of Contents
Managing Products Prices Dashboard
Managing Products Prices POS
Managing Products Prices Dashboard
Step 1: On your eatOS Dashboard navigate to the left side navigation bar and tap on Menu Management

Step 2: On your Menu Management page select Products

Step 3: Hover over the preferred product on the Products page to update its price. Then, tap the Edit icon under the Date Created column.

Step 4: On the Edit Products page navigate down to "Variants". Tap on the price and input the new amount after a few seconds an update confirmation will appear.

Or you can simply tap on the price listed on the products page and change it directly.

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Managing Products Prices POS
Step 1: On your Point of Sale Home screen tap or drag the Menu Bar down.

Step 2: Then select Menu Management

Step 3: On your Menu Management page navigate to the left side navigation bar and select Products

Step 4: On the Products page tap on the preferred product you wish to update the price. (Uno Shave Ice is used for this example)

Step 5: Navigate down to the Variants Section and tap on the current price.
Step 6: Update the current price to the preferred amount it will then auto-save the changes.

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Updated on: 01/26/2025
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