Articles on: Getting Started

Customer-Facing Display


The eatOS Customer-Facing Display (CFD) is a valuable addition to your point-of-sale system, providing customers with transparency, order accuracy, and integrated loyalty programs. This guide will walk you through the steps to connect your POS to the CFD, configure its settings, and understand its features and workflow.

Table of Contents

Connect via IP Address
Connect CFD through Bluetooth
Customer-Facing Display Configuration
CFD Home Screen Display
Customer-Facing Display (CFD) Workflow

How to Connect my POS to a Customer-Facing Display

Integrating your Point-of-Sale (POS) system with a Customer-Facing Display (CFD) can enhance the customer experience and streamline operations. Here's how you can easily connect your POS to a CFD using either an IP address or Bluetooth connectivity:

Connecting Your POS to the CFD:

Connect via IP Address

Hold the CFD screen and note the displayed IP address.

On the POS screen, tap the connection button in the upper right corner.

Tap the button and select "HTTP" to connect via IP.

Enter the CFD IP Address and tap Connect.

Connect CFD through Bluetooth

Single tap your CFD screen, on the Bluetooth pop-up status, and select Allow to make the device visible for pairing

Tap the connection button positioned in the upper right corner of the Point-of-Sale screen. Then, tap the Bluetooth button. This will prompt you with instructions on how to establish a connection with the Customer-Facing Display (CFD).

Choose the desired Bluetooth device and tap on the Connect option.

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Customer-Facing Display Configuration

Access your eatOS dashboard and go to the "hardware" section.

a. If you want to add a new Customer-Facing Display (CFD), click on the "+ New Hardware" button.
b. To edit an existing device, tap the 3-dot icon and select edit.

Configure CFD General settings

Input Device Name – You can assign a custom name for the device (e.g., CFD01).
Input UDID - Provide the UDID (Unique Device Identifier) for the device.
Input Device Serial Number - Input the serial number of the device.
Input Device IP Address – Specify the IP address of the device. This IP address will be used to synchronize or connect your CFD with your POS.
Upload Logo – Upload an image in .SVG format with a maximum file size of 2MB. The logo will be visible on the welcome home screen of the CFD.
Select Logo Position on the Screen
Top Left – The logo will be positioned in the upper left part of your CFD screen.
Top Right – The logo will be positioned in the upper right part of your CFD screen.

Configure CFD Home Screen

Upload Logo – Upload an image in SVG format with a maximum file size of 2 MB. The logo will be visible on the welcome home screen of the CFD.
Select Logo Position on the Screen

Top Center – The logo will be positioned at the upper center of your CFD screen.

Bottom Center – The logo will be positioned at the bottom center of your CFD screen.

Upload Welcome Images or Videos – You can upload images or videos for the welcome screen. It is recommended to use files with a resolution of 1080x1920 and a maximum file size of 5MB.
Select Home Screen Image Timer - Choose a timer duration for displaying the welcome images. Alternatively, you can set a custom time according to your preferences.
Select Theme Color - Choose the desired theme color for the CFD.
Select Welcome Message Font - Choose the font style for the welcome message.
Select Preferred Welcome Message Animation - Choose the animation style for the welcome message.
Welcome Message Position on Screen

The position of the welcome image will be determined based on the selected logo position. For example, if you have selected the bottom center for your logo position, the welcome image will automatically be positioned at the top center of the screen.

Select an available payment type – Choose a payment option that will be visible on your CFD screen.

Tap Next to configure the Checkout settings

Checkout Settings

Enable Gratuity: Do you want to accept gratuity?
Preset Gratuity Options: Do you want to set predefined gratuity options
Allow Custom Tips: Do you want to allow customers to enter custom tip amounts?
Allow Payment by QR Code: Do you want to enable the option for customers to make payments using a QR code?
Preset Gratuity Options for Amounts Less than $10.
Preset Gratuity Options for Amounts Over $10.


Contactless Payment

Customers can scan and make payments using their mobile devices by scanning the QR code displayed on the CFD.

Digital Receipts

Customers can choose to receive their receipts via email or SMS.

Reduce Order Errors

The customer-facing display allows customers to view their orders during the transaction, reducing errors and enhancing the checkout experience.

CFD Home Screen Display

The Customer-Facing Display (CFD) shows the order summary and provides visibility to customers regarding discounts, tax, service charges, and the total order amount. This feature enhances order accuracy and minimizes errors during daily restaurant transactions.

CFD Order Summary:

Order items quantities – Displays the number of quantities added to the transaction.
Order Items - Lists the products (items) that have been added to the transaction.
Price – Shows the price of each item ordered.
Subtotal – The total amount of items before tax, discounts, and service charges.
Tax – The applied tax amount.
Discount – Any applied discount to the order.
Service Charge – The applied service charge, if applicable.
Order Total – The final total amount, including the subtotal, tax, service charge, and tip (if applicable), minus any discounts.
QR Payment – This feature allows customers to make payments using QR codes if it is enabled.
a. To enable QR payment, go to the settings in the POS restaurant location settings.
b. Click on the enable button to activate QR payment on the CFD for the specific location.

Customer-Facing Display (CFD) Workflow

Home screen before customer orders - The CFD displays the initial screen with relevant information before the customer places an order.

Order starts – Once an employee adds an order on the POS, the items will automatically appear on the CFD screen.

Order Verification: Customers can review and verify the order details displayed on the CFD before making a payment.

Payment Options

Customers have the choice to pay in cash, by card, or via QR code if available.
If gratuity is enabled in the POS payment settings and card payment is selected, the CFD will display the gratuity option.

Card Payment Approval: Upon approval and acceptance of the card payment, the CFD will show a "PAYMENT SUCCESSFUL" message.

Receipt Preference: Customers are prompted to select their preferred method to receive the receipt. Options may include email, SMS, print (traditional receipt), or no receipt.

For instance, if the customer selects the email option, the digital receipt will be sent to the provided email address.
Customers can input their email addresses directly from the CFD screen.

POS Screen Receipt Display: The POS screen will show the receipt type selected by the customer, indicating their chosen preference for receiving the receipt.

Note: The workflow described above highlights the typical process involved in using the Customer-Facing Display (CFD) during a customer transaction.

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Updated on: 02/20/2025

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