Articles on: Point-of-Purchase

Mastering End of Day Settings


At the end of each business day, it's important to carry out certain tasks to ensure accurate record-keeping and a smooth transition for the upcoming day. The end-of-day procedures involve summarizing activities and generating reports that provide valuable insights into your business operations. This article will guide you through the steps of performing end-of-day tasks and utilizing the generated reports effectively.

Understanding End-of-Day Activities:

The end of the day marks a crucial time to capture the current status of checks and employee activities. It involves summarizing all ongoing data and resetting cash drawers to facilitate proper end-of-day management. By performing these tasks, you ensure that your business starts the next day with accurate information and a fresh slate.

Table of Contents

End-of-Day Report Highlights
End-of-Day Checklist

End-of-Day Report Highlights

The end-of-day report consolidates essential information for your business analysis. The report provides a summary of the following key metrics:

Step 1: Total Number of Labor Hours: This metric accounts for the total number of hours worked by employees during the day. It gives you an overview of labor distribution and helps with workforce management.

Step 2: Total Number of Orders Today: This figure indicates the overall number of orders received throughout the day. Tracking this data offers insights into the demand patterns and helps with inventory planning.

Step 3: Today’s Sales: The "Today’s Sales" section reveals the total monetary value of sales made during the day. It's a crucial metric for understanding the financial performance of your business.

End-of-Day Checklist

Follow these steps to complete your end-of-day tasks effectively:

Step 1: Closeout Open Checks: Ensure that all unpaid and open checks are closed out properly. This prevents any discrepancies in the financial records and guarantees accurate reporting.

Step 2: Clock Out Employees: Verify that all employees who were clocked in have properly clocked out. This step is crucial to maintain accurate records of employee work hours.

Step 3: View Sales Summary: To access the sales summary, tap on the cash register activity. This summary provides an overview of the day's sales performance and contributes to informed decision-making.

Close cash drawer activity
Close restaurant: once you have pressed the close restaurant button, reports will be sent to the email

What you can do:

One of the convenient features our system offers is the ability to set an end-of-day (EOD) reminder. This optional function helps you remember to initiate your EOD procedures on time.

Automatic run end-of-day tasks – this will automatically run the EOD task to close out open paid and canceled orders and clock out employees. Set a time to run the task. The device is set to automatically run end of the day 20 minutes after the EOD reminder.

Enable automatic run on the following task:
Clock out employees – if enabled it will automatically clock out employees that are still clocked in.
Close drawer – it will automatically close the drawer within the set time if enabled.
Print EOD receipt report – the receipt report will be printed automatically within the set time to run the automatic task. Toggle off to disable Auto-print EDO receipt report.
Close paid orders – the device will automatically close all paid orders if enabled.
Cancel unpaid tickets – the device will cancel all unpaid tickets during the automatic run of the EOD report.

Add user to send daily operation report.
Note: You can only add verified users/employees.

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Updated on: 06/08/2024

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