Articles on: Point-of-Purchase

Managing Tickets with POP


Welcome to the streamlined world of ticket management with POP! Empower your operations as we introduce an efficient solution for Managing Tickets. Whether you're overseeing events, customer service requests, or any task requiring organized handling, our platform simplifies the process, ensuring seamless coordination and heightened productivity. Dive into a new era of ticket management where precision meets simplicity, courtesy of POP.

In the POP system, the Tickets tab is your go-to tool for tracking daily transactions and monitoring their statuses. Here's what you can accomplish with this feature:

Table of Contents

Managing Tickets with POP
Applicable Filters

Managing Tickets with POP

Step 1: View ticket status -

To check the status of a ticket, simply open the Tickets tab.

Resend the Digital Receipt:

Step 2: To resend a digital receipt, follow these steps:

2a. Tap "Ticket."
2b. Click on the "Receipt" icon.**

Enter the customer's phone number or email and tap "Send receipt."

Step 3: Add a tip.

3a. Tap the "Ticket".
3b. Swipe left on the "Total Paid" button.

(Note: Add tip is only available for open tickets)

Step 4: Refund Ticket.

4a. Access the "Ticket" section.

(Note: Please keep in mind that refunds are only available for closed or completed tickets.)

To refund an item, swipe it to the left and tap "Refund."

For a full refund, swipe to the left of the "Total/Completed" button.
Tap "Refund" and select the reason for the refund. Confirm your choice by tapping "Done."

Applicable Filters

Tickets can be sorted and filtered for your convenience using various criteria. The results will automatically update based on the selected filter elements.

What you can do:

Filter tickets based on various elements, including:

Step 1: Filter tickets by "Date Range".
Select the date range and select the start and end time.
Tap "Confirm" to view tickets within the selected date range.

Step 2: Sort tickets by transaction time or order.

Step 3: Filter tickets by preferred elements, such as revenue center, employee, order type, order status, or payment mode (cash, card, gift card, etc.).

Filter by revenue center: transactions made per revenue center.
Filter by an employee: transactions done individually by the employee.
Filter by Order Type: Filter all transactions based on the order type.
Filter tickets by Order Status: filter transactions by order status.
Filter by payment: Filter transactions are done by a specific mode of payment such as cash, card, gift card, and other available payment methods.

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Updated on: 06/12/2024

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