Articles on: Point-of-Purchase

Printer & Printer Advanced Setting - POP


Delve into our article where we simplify printer settings, uncovering available options and offering insights to assist you in achieving perfect prints. Navigate through the process of adjusting settings effortlessly, gaining the knowledge needed for optimal print results. Explore essential elements for top-notch print quality and precision, enhancing your overall printing experience.

Table of Contents

Settings - Printer
Settings - Printer Advanced

Settings - Printer

Step 1: Log in to your Order & Pay app, Fill in your Username and password.

Step 2: Then key in your Pin

Step 3: Tap on the Burger Menu Icon

Step 4: From the options tap on the Settings.

Step 5: From the Settings, tap on Hardware

Step 6: Next, from the Hardware tap on the Printer.

Step 7: Detect Printer (Device).

Step 8: Select or assign a printer.

Select the default KOT printer
Kitchen Order Ticket or KOT is a digital means of sending orders to the kitchen staff. The ticket includes details such as the table number, items ordered, and their quantity with the applied modifiers and add-ons.

Select default bill/receipt printer
Bill/Receipt printer is used to print order bills and transaction receipts customizable for the customer and merchant copies.

Select the default custom item printer
Any order containing custom items only will be received by this printer.

Step 9: Test Printer.
(Refer to the point-of-sale document to learn more)

Settings - Printer Advanced

What you can do:

Step 1: On the Hardware Setting tap on the Advance Settings

Step 2: Bill Settings

Auto PrintIf enabled, the check receipt is printed automatically after orders are complete.
Always display item quantity on a single itemQuantity displays how many orders of the items are, and if enabled, the check receipt will always display quantity on a single item.
Free items on the billThe free items will be included on the customer's check receipt if enabled. Free items do not have a listed price and will not be added to the total check amount. You can toggle off for a less-cluttered check receipt.
Free modifiers on billAn option to whether a free modifier should be included on the customer's check. You can toggle it off to disable it for a less-cluttered check receipt.

Step 3: Receipt Settings

Auto-print refund receiptA refunded receipt will automatically print after a refund is completed if enabled.
Print customer copyA customer's copy of the receipt will always be printed if enabled.
Suggested gratuity on receiptThe suggested gratuity amount is printed on the customer’s receipt if enabled.
Print each item individually
Large KOT item textIf enabled, items sent to the kitchen printer are in large size.
Reverse KOT font style
Itemized receiptThe receipt printed is always itemized
Auto-printIf enabled, the receipt is printed automatically after orders are complete.
Large KOT order numberThe order number is printed in large font when sent to the kitchen printer.
KOT modifier sizeSelect the modifier size to be printed on the kitchen.
KOT print withSelect the order type to be printed on the kitchen printer.
Signature and tip lineA tip line is printed on the customer's receipt so customers can add a tip amount or select from the predefined tip amount to add to the total check.

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Updated on: 06/12/2024

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