Articles on: Dashboard

Analytics and Reports - Exceptions


The Exceptions Analytics and Reports provide an interpretation and understanding of your financial data. Whether you need to keep track of discounts given out, refunds issued, or cancelled orders, we have the perfect dashboard for you!

Our Discounts report quickly summarizes all discounts offered in a clean and concise format so you can determine who's been taking advantage of your offers.

The Refunds and Voids section offers an at-a-glance look at all returns processed throughout the month – a great way to identify trends that may help you create better customer experiences.

We also make it easy to track cancelled orders with accurate information about what items were being returned. This helps you pinpoint any potential problems and take corrective measures.

Table of Contents

How to Access the Exceptions Report
Types of Exception Reports
Summary of Discounts
Summary of Refunds and Voids
Cancelled Orders
Summary of cancelled orders

How to Access the Exceptions Report

Log in to your eatOS dashboard
Navigate to the sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen.
Click on "Analytics & Reports" to expand the menu.
Select "Exceptions" from the submenu options.

Types of Exception Reports


Explore detailed reports of all discounts provided. This helps in analyzing:

The frequency and types of discounts offered.
The impact of discounts on sales and profitability.

Steps to Access:

Click on "Discounts" under the Exceptions category.
Review the comprehensive list and detailed reports of discounts offered.


Access detailed reports of all refunds processed. This assists in gaining insights into:

Common reasons for refunds.
The financial impact of refunds on your operation.

Steps to Access:

Click on "Refunds" under the Exceptions category.
Review the comprehensive list and detailed reports of refunds provided.


Get accurate reports on voided transactions to help you understand:

Common reasons for voids.
Any potential patterns indicating issues with order processing or staff training.

Steps to Access:

Click on "Voids" under the Exceptions category.
Review the comprehensive list and detailed reports of voided transactions.

Cancelled Orders:

Analyze detailed reports on cancelled orders, giving insight into:

Common reasons for cancellations.
The potential impact on customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Steps to Access:

Click on "Cancelled Orders" under the Exceptions category.
Review the comprehensive list and detailed reports of cancelled orders.


This discount report reveals an insightful look into the discounts accepted and authorized by an employee within a specified time frame. An intriguing peek into who delivered them and why they were granted, it's sure to provide you with all the details you need.

What you can do:

View discount reports within a specific date range

View discount by a specific time of the day.

View discounts processed by an employee.

View discounts processed by the authoriser.

View the discount reasons applied.

Subscribe to a daily applied discount report by selecting “Export” and select “Subscribe to Email”

a. Select employee- where to send the daily discount report.

b. Tap “Subscribe”

Send a copy of the discount report to email by selecting “Export” and select “Send to Email”

a. Select Email Address - where to send the daily discount report.

b. Tap “Send”

Export the discount report to a PDF , CSV , or Excel by selecting “Export” and selecting the preferred file to download the report.

Discount analytics shows:

Quantity - shows the number of discounts applied within the selected date range
Total - the total amount of applied discount
By Reasons - discounts applied by selected reason
By Employee - discounts applied by an employee

Summary of Discounts

Discount Name: The specific identifier or title of the discount offered, such as "Winter Sale", "Black Friday", or "Student Discount".
Count: The total number of transactions or instances in which each specific discount has been applied.
Discount Amount: The amount given to customers through discounts.
Percent of Total Sales: The proportion of overall sales revenue attributed to each discount, showcasing its effectiveness and contribution to total sales.


Refunds help ensure accuracy in your sales by providing transparency when it comes to sales and returns. Refunds can be done at the individual product level or at the total sales order level.

Product-level refund - is when you issue a refund only for a product or part of an order, rather than the entire transaction.

Total-level refund - is when a refund is issued for the entirety of a transaction made by a customer.

To view the processed refund:

Step 1: Navigate to eatOS dashboard analytics and reports

Step 2: And select “Refunds” under Exceptions

What you can do:

View refunds processed within a specific date range.

View refunds and voids within a specific time of the day.

View refunds processed by a specific employee.

Subscribe to a daily refund report by selecting “Export” and select "Subscribe to Email”

Select employee - where to send daily refund report and tap “Subscribe”

Send a copy of the report to email by selecting “Export” and select “Send to Email”

Export the report to a PDF , CSV , or Excel by selecting “Export” and selecting the preferred file to download the report.

Summary of Refunds

Authorizer - the responsible person who validates and applies discounts.

Check # - a unique identifier assigned to each check that is written or processed.

Department - the department of the employee who applied for the refunds.

Table - the table number where the transaction was applied (applicable to table service restaurant).

Date - when the transaction was applied.

Time - specific time when the transaction was applied.

Check total - the check total of the transaction.

Void Amount - the total amount refunded to a customer.

Reason - the reason for the refund.

Void Report

The Void Report page is designed to give you a comprehensive view of all voided transactions. Here are the key features:

a. Date Range Selection

At the top of the report, you can set a specific date range for the transactions you want to review. Simply use the calendar tool provided to select the start and end dates. For example, you may want to view voided transactions from February 16th, 2024.

b. Time Filter

Next to the date range, you have the option to filter the transactions by time. This can be particularly useful if you want to narrow down voids to specific business hours or shifts.

c. Employee Filter

You can also filter the report by the employee. Use the dropdown menu to select a particular employee and view all voided transactions they authorized.

d. Export Button

On the top right corner of the report, there is an 'Export' button. Clicking this will allow you to export the Void Report in various formats, making it easy to share with team members or use for further analysis.

Report Details

The Void Report provides detailed information for each voided transaction, including:

Authorizer: The name of the employee who authorized the void.
Check #: The unique identifier for the voided transaction.
Department: The department associated with the voided transaction.
Table: The table number (if applicable) associated with the voided transaction.
Date Created: The date the void was created.
Time: The time the void was created.
Reason Code: The reason provided for voiding the transaction (e.g., Prepared Incorrectly).

Cancelled Orders

The cancelled orders list shows customers the full history of all orders that were either cancelled by the customer or cancelled by the merchant. This list includes the reason for cancellation when the cancellation request was made and the original order details.

To view cancelled orders:

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Step 1: Navigate to eatOS dashboard analytics and reports

Step 3: And select “Cancelled Orders”

What you can do:

View cancelled orders within a specific date range.

View cancelled orders within a specific time of the day.

Subscribe to a daily cancelled report by selecting “Export” and select “Subscribe to Email”

Select employee - where to send daily refund report and tap “Subscribe”

Send a copy of the report to email by selecting “Export” and select “Send to Email”

Export the report to a PDF , CSV or Excel by selecting “Export” and selecting the preferred file to download the report.

Summary of Cancelled Orders

Cancelled orders - the total number of orders that were placed but then subsequently cancelled by a customer.
Cancelled Order Total - the total amount of the cancelled transaction.
Order # - the transaction order number.
Order type - the transaction order type.
Store - where the order was taken.
Date - shows the applied date.
Time - shows the specific time when an order was cancelled.
Total - total amount of cancelled orders.

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Updated on: 02/08/2025

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