Articles on: Dashboard

Menu Management for Restaurant


Mastering Menu Management with eatOS: A Comprehensive Guide

Effective menu management plays a crucial role in the success of any restaurant. With the advent of technology, restaurant owners now have access to comprehensive dashboard systems that simplify the process of managing menus. In this article, we will explore the benefits and best practices of dashboard menu management, using the example of eatOS, a popular restaurant management platform.

Dashboard menu management allows for instant updates across all customer-facing interfaces. Any changes made to menus, such as adding new items, modifying prices, or updating descriptions, are reflected in real-time on in-store digital menu boards, online ordering platforms, and mobile apps.

Table of Contents

How to Access the Dashboard Menu Management
How to Add or Create a New Ingredient
How to Add or Create New Modifiers
How to Add or Create New Add-Ons
How to Add or Create a New modifier Group
How to Add or Create a New Product
How to Add or Create New Categories
How to Add or Create New Menus
How to Add or Create Taxes
How to Add or Create a Service Charge
How to Add or Create a Discount
How to Add or Create New Categories
How to Edit Items
How to Archive an Item
How to Unarchive an Item
How to Permanently Delete an Item

The eatOS dashboard has 2 different workflows to create your menu

Step 1: Upload multiple products using the menu template in the “Menus” section

See the menu management article to learn how to build your menu using the menu template.

Step 2: Configure each menu section on the dashboard menu management.

Both workflows are designed to help you quickly create and manage your restaurant menu.

How to access the Dashboard Menu Management

Step 1: Log in to your eatOS dashboard account

Step 2: If you have multiple locations, select the location whose menu you want to configure (Access to the location is at the upper left of your screen)

Step 3: On the left nav bar, select “Menu Management.”

eatOS provides comprehensive solutions that simplify menu creation, customization, pricing, and scheduling. By utilizing dashboard menu management effectively, restaurant owners can streamline operations, provide an excellent dining experience, and stay ahead in today's competitive industry.

How to Add or Create a New Ingredient

Step 1: Select Ingredients in the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Ingredients”

Step 3: Enter the required ingredients.

a. Enter the ingredient name – ie. Bacon, Lettuce, Carrots
b. Select the ingredient type.
c. Tap the Save button to save the new ingredient.

How to Add or Create New Modifiers

Step 1: Select Modifiers in the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap + New Modifier

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap the save button.

Modifier Name*Name of the modifier i.e Ranch, Vinaigrette, Caesar
Modifier Group NameName of the modifier group i.e Salad Dressing
Can this modifier be served?Checkmark If modifier can be served (KDS responsive) Ex. A burger is served with a side choice of fries and onion rings (Burger Sides = group modifier) – marked if a side choice can be served in advance before serving the burger (product item)
Does this modifier have options?If “Yes” at least one option should be selected
Can the customer choose multiple options?If “Yes”, the customer can select one or more available modifier options
Number of options to chooseSelect the number of options a customer can choose a modifier

Option Name
Add the modifier option nameEnter the option priceEdit icon – allows you to edit the option name and price. Delete icon – allows you to delete the modifier option

How to Add or Create New Add-Ons

Step 1: Select Add-on in the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Add-ons”

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap the save button.

3a. Enter add-on name (ex. Add Bacon, Extra Egg, Add Onion)
3b. Select an Add-on group.
3c. Select order type.
3d. Does this add-on have options?
i. Select “Yes” if the add-on has an option.
ii. Select “No” if the add-on has no option.

3e. Can the customer choose multiple options?

i. This feature is used if the add-on has more than one option, see the table below for reference,

3f. Number of options to choose - enter the number of options available for the customer to select add-ons.

3g. Enter the option name and price.

Add On NameOptionValue
Add FriesLarge$5

How to Add or Create a New Modifier Group

Step 1: Select Groups on the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Groups (Modifiers/Add-Ons)”

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap Save

Groups (Modifiers/Add-Ons) Name*Name of the modifier group
Groups (Modifiers/Add-Ons) Position*Set the modifier group position. Modifier group position reflects the order in which the groups are displayed when ordering a product in the POS
Groups (Modifiers/Add-Ons) Type*This field contains two values i.e., Add-ons or modifiers
Groups (Modifiers/Add-Ons) Display Name*Enter a group display name to be shown in the product customization screen
Add-OnsSelect the modifiers that will be associated with the group modifier.
Advanced Settings
Are options mandatoryChoose "Yes" if it is mandatory and specify the number of selections to be implemented.
Minimum Number of Selections*Enter a number of how many modifiers a customer “MUST” – This makes the modifier a forced/mandatory modifier. The customer must select before being able to add an order
Maximum Number of SelectionsEnter a number of how many modifiers can the customer select

How to Add or Create a New Product

Step 1: Select Products in the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Products”

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap Save

Product ImageAdd a product image
Product ColorSelect a product color
Menu name*Enter the menu name where the products will be assigned
Display nameEnter the product name that you want to display on the menu, you can name the same as the product name based on how you want to reflect
Printer nameEnter a product name that will be shown on the printers/kitchen printers. It can be the same as the product name or can create a custom product name
Assigned printerSelect a printer / assign a printer where you want the product to be routed
CategorySelect the sub-category where the product will be assigned
Product DescriptionEnter a product description to be displayed on all platforms
ActiveThe active button will set the product to be active at the point of sale. You can toggle it off to hide the product
86 this product?If 86 this product is enabled, it will make the product temporarily unavailable to the point of sale
Product VariationThe product variation will enable inventory tracking and enable you to add variant details
IngredientsSelect the ingredients assigned to the product
ModifiersSelect the modifier group and modifiers associated with the products


Varian NameSKU*Inventory*Threshold*Price*
Enter a variant name that describes the product selectionEnter a numeric code associated with the variant nameSet a number for the product inventorySet a number for the product inventory thresholdEnter the product price

Step 4: You can also add multiple products by importing the menu items created using the menu Excel template.

4a. To add products in bulk, tap the 3-dot icon next to the New Product button.
4b. Import the file from your saved location and tap the Upload button.
4c. If managing multiple locations, select the applicable location to apply the menu.
4d. Tap Done to save the menu.

How to Add or Create New Categories

Step 1: Select Categories in the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Category"

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap Save

Category ImageUpload a category image
Category ColorSelect the category color
Category Name*Upload a category image
Parent CategorySelect the parent category where the sub-category will be assigned
Assigned PrinterSelect the printer to route the category
Modifier Group*Select the modifier group applicable to the category
ProductsSelect the products to be assigned to the sub-category

How to Add or Create New Menus

Step 1: Select Menus in the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Menu" and select from the following options to add your menu and tap Continue.

2a. Upload a menu from your device using compatible formats:

i. Choose the "Upload from your device" option.
ii. Tap on Continue.
iii. Navigate to the file's location on your device and tap Upload.
iv. Select the appropriate location and tap Done to save the changes.

2b. Create menu manually.

i. Tap continue.
ii. Enter the required information and tap the Save button to save the menu.

Menu Name*Enter a custom preferred menu name for your restaurant
Button Color*Set the button color, the selected color here will reflect on your point-of-sale device
Active*The active button allows you to keep the menu active. Select the no button to hide the menu
Parent CategorySelect the parent category associated with the menu
Location(s)Select the location for this menu to be available
Applicable to the menu(s)Select the platform for this menu to be available. All menu(s) – the menu will be available to all platforms including POS, KIOSK, POP, and Online Ordering
AvailabilityMenu date - select the applicable start and end date of the menu
Schedule days: Select the applicable days and set the start and end times

2c. Create a menu using AI

i. Choose the "Create a menu using AI" option.
ii. Select the desired cuisine for the menu.
iii. Enter the name of the menu.
iv. Tap "Submit" to initiate the menu creation process by the AI.

2d. Import from a third-party menu like DoorDash, Grubhub, and Uber Eats

i. Tap Continue
ii. Select the desired third-party platform to import from and tap Next.
iii. Enter the URL associated with the menu.
iv. Enter the name of the imported menu.
v. Select the appropriate location.
vi. Tap Continue to proceed. You will receive a notification once the menu has been successfully created.

How to Add or Create Taxes

Step 1: Select Taxes on the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Tax”

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap Save

Tax Name*State and local tax name. i.e., Sales Tax, Value Added Tax
Tax Value*The tax percentage to be applied – enter the percentage value
Tax Type*Select % Percentage if the entered tax value is calculated in percentage. Select $ Dollar if the entered tax value is in amount
Additional Information
Exclusive*Currently support exclusive taxes
Tax applies forRefer to where the type of order for the tax will be applied
Applicable to Products
Add ProductEnables the tax to be applied to a specific product from your menu

How to Add or Create a Service Charge

Step 1: Select Service Charge on the menu management section

Step 2: Tap “+ New Service Charge”

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap Save

Service Charge Name*Name of the service charge i.e., Delivery, Banquet, etc.
Service Charge Value*Enter the service charge percentage or amount
Service Charge Type*Select % Percentage if the service charge value is in percentage. Select $ Dollar for the service charge calculated in an amount.
ExclusiveThe system currently supports exclusive service charges.
Order type*Refers to the type of order for which the service charge will be applied.
Tax applicable*
Tax applicable to the service charge. Once the selected order type and tax are applicable, the service charge will automatically apply to the transaction.

How to Add or Create a Discount

Step 1: Select Discount in the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Discount”

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap Save

Discount Name*Name of the discount i.e., Employee discount, Promotional discount, Happy hour
Discount Value*Value or amount of the discount to be applied.
Discount Type*If calculating the discount in percentage, select % Percentage. If calculating the discount in amount, select $ Dollar.
Discount Dates* Select the start and end date.
Discount Applicable on*Select the applicable days.
ALL - the discount will apply to all days of the week. Weekdays - the discount will apply only on weekdays. Weekends - the discount will apply only on weekends. Or simply select days to apply the discount.
Require PIN?If enabled, it will require an employee to enter a PIN to apply a discount to the transaction.
Apply auto discount?If enabled, set a duration for the discount to be available.
Applicable productsSelect the applicable products to the discount.

How to Add or Create a New Course

Step 1: Select Course on the menu management section.

Step 2: Tap “+ New Course”

Step 3: Enter the required information and tap Save

Course NameEnter the course name.
PositionSelect the course position – the course position will determine the sequence of the course to be served.
Course Color SelectionSelect a course color.
Auto Fire Time IntervalThis sets the time when to fire the course after the previous course is fired.

How to Edit Items

Dashboard menu management allows for instant updates across all customer-facing interfaces. Any changes made to menus, such as adding new items, modifying prices, or updating descriptions, are reflected in real-time on in-store digital menu boards, online ordering platforms, and mobile apps.

Step 1: To edit an item on your menu, select the item you wish to edit.
Step 2: Hover to the "Date Created" column and select "Edit"

Step 3: Update the required information.

Note: Steps on how to edit an item apply to all sub-sections of the dashboard menu management

How to Archive an Item

Step 1: Select the item you wish to archive.
Step 2: Hover to the "**Date Created**" column and select Archive

Step 3: Select “Yes, archive it!” to confirm the selection, or select “Cancel” to go back without deleting the item.

Note: Steps on how to archive an item apply to all sub-sections of the dashboard menu management

How to Unarchive an Item

Step 1: Go to the “Archive” tab.

Step 2: Click the 3-dot icon and select “Unarchive.”

Step 3: Tap “Yes, unarchived it!” to restore an item or tap “Cancel” to remain on the archive.

Note: Steps on how to unarchive an item apply to all sub-sections of the dashboard menu management

How to Permanently Delete an Item

Step 1: Go to the “Archive” tab.

Step 2: Click the 3-dot icon and select “Permanently Delete.”

Step 3: Tap “Yes, permanently delete it!” to confirm the selection, or tap “Cancel” to go back to the archive.

Note: Steps on how to permanently delete an item apply to all sub-sections of the dashboard menu management

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Updated on: 08/15/2024

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