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Fixing Spreadsheet Validation Errors: Menu Management


Streamline your menu creation process with our Excel template or seamlessly match it in your file for easy updates. Follow these steps to handle errors in your spreadsheet:

Upload Your Spreadsheet to Your Dashboard:

Navigate to the Menu Management section, select Menus, and tap the "+ New Menu" button.

Choose Upload from your device options.

Locate your file from its saved location and tap "Upload."

a. If the file is error-free, the validation error message will not be displayed.

Addressing Validation Errors in Your Spreadsheet:

Click the "Fix Errors" button to resolve any validation issues promptly.

a. Make necessary changes directly within the embedded spreadsheet, fill in missing data, or use the 'Delete' function to skip record creation as required.

Continuing the Import Process:
a. Once errors are corrected, tap "Continue" to proceed with the import process.

Selecting Your Import Location:
a. Choose the location for importing your menu items.

Completing the Import:
a. Tap "Done" to finalize and seamlessly import your updated menu.

Reference Image: After successfully importing a menu

Note: For hassle-free updates and efficient menu management, ensure to use our provided Excel template or replicate its structure in your own file. This approach ensures smoother operations and accurate data handling.

The uploaded menu should be visible on your point-of-sale.

Please click here on how to configure menus that do not appear at the point of sale

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Updated on: 07/04/2024

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